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St. Anne's R.C.
Primary School
We are a Rights Respecting School
In 1989, governments across the world adopted the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). This convention recognises that all children have the right to be treated with dignity and fairness, to be protected, to develop to their full potential and to participate.
We at St Anne’s are proud to be a Silver level UNICEF ‘Right’s Respecting School’. The Rights Respecting Schools Award is underpinned by the principles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and aims to help children grow into confident, caring and responsible citizens both within school and the wider community.
We continue to develop our Rights Respecting approach through three strands;
Strand A: Teaching and Learning about rights
Strand B: Ethos and relationships
Strand C: Participation, empowerment and action
We now aim to achieve the Gold Award during the next academic year.
Examples of how our pupils understand and use their rights;
• An ‘Article of the week’ focus.
• Class charters.
• Our Rights Respecting Council
• Harvest Donations for Cornerstones.
• Fund raising for charities such as Macmillan, Barnardo’s, Epilepsy UK, Cafod, St Joseph’s penny, Save the Children and many more.
• Assemblies to support special calendar events such as Anti-Bullying week and Odd socks day, Black History Month, Epilepsy Awareness Day and Caritas Days.
• Writing letters to residents of Maye’s Gardens during the Spring term lockdown period
For more information on RRS visit the Unicef RRS website
Report from RRS Silver Award
Here are the Articles for you to look at with your child.
Week beginning 10th July 2023 article of the week – This week we look at article 42 – Everybody should know children’s rights. I hope you enjoy looking at the rights with your children and will continue to do so. In the next school year we will be applying for the Gold award, if you would like to be involved in the process or learn more about the ‘Rights of the child’ please speak to a member of staff. Enjoy this week’s powerpoint and we hope you take time to complete some of the activities with your child.
Thank you as usual for your continued support.
Week beginning 3rd July 2023 articles of the week –
This week we will be looking at articles 24 and 33. 24 – Every child has the right to the best possible health. Governments must provide good quality health care, clean water, nutritious food, and a clean environment and education on health and well-being so that children can stay healthy.
33 – Governments must protect children from the illegal use of drugs and from being involved in the production or distribution of drugs.
Sometimes the articles touch on some difficult subjects, but we appreciate you speaking to your children and using the powerpoint activities to help you explain these articles and why it is important for all children to be able to access these rights. The children continue to bring some brilliant work to school that they have completed at home related to the articles. Thank you for your support.
Week beginning 26th June 2023
Hi all this week’s article is 31
Every child has the right to relax, play and take part in a wide range of cultural activities. We will discuss this in school but we hope you can look at it with your children at home in more detail.
Thank you.
Week beginning 22nd May 2023
Sorry for the delay this week. Our Article this week is Article 15, well done to those children who have already looked at the Article themselves.
Article 15 -Freedom of Association.
Every child has the right to meet with other children and to join groups and organisations, as long as this does not stop other people from enjoying their rights. Article 15 is about the right of association which is having the opportunity to gather with others for different purposes. There are activities on the powerpoint below for you to look at with your children. Please remember to talk to your child about the rights and discuss the Article of the week. The children can bring anything they make or write about this week’s Article to school. Have a great week and thank you for your continued support.
Week beginning 15th May 2023
This week we will be discussing Article 24 – We have the right to ‘Good health, water, food and environment. This week is Mental health Week and as part of this we will be thinking about how our mental health can be affected if we cannot access the above essentials Please continue to work through some of the activities on the powerpoint and send in any work or photographs of the children completing any of the tasks. Thank you and have a great week.
Week beginning 8th May 2023 This week we will be thinking about Article 6
Article 6 (life, survival and development)
Every child has the right to life. Governments must do all they can to ensure that children survive and develop to their full potential. Many children do not have all they need to survive. Your children love looking at the rights of the child at home with you and always talk about what you have been doing. Please encourage your child to complete one of the activities below and return it to school. Thank you for all your help and support.
24th April 2023 This week’s Articles are:
Articles 9, 20, 21 and 25 the theme for this week is Adoption and Care. Again this is a sensitive subject and can be discussed at your child’s level. We will talk about this article in school and the children can continue their work with you at home. Last week we had an amazing response to Earth Day with lots of children bringing posters they had made at home. Well done everybody. We hope you enjoy looking at this powerpoint.
Week beginning 17th April 2023 This week’s Articles are:
6 and 24 we will be looking at Earth Day and thinking of ways to help to repair and preserve our world. Please take some time to look at the powerpoint below with your child and discuss this week’s Articles. Thank you for your continued support,
Mrs C
Articles 5 and 18 these are linked to parental responsibility, they also give your child the opportunity to think about the difficult job being a parent is. The powerpoint for the Article is below, we hope you enjoy exploring this week’s Articles and get time to complete some of the activities. If your child is a regular Rockerbox user then they can read news articles that are marked Rockerbox picks which are linked to the Rights of the Child.
Thanks for your continued support.
Mrs Corcoran
Week beginning 20th March 2023
This week we have looked at Articles 24 and 27, these are linked to World Water Day. Please take a look at the powerpoint and try to complete some of the activities with your children. Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs Corcoran
Article of the week
Week beginning 13th March 2023
This week we have looked at Article 35 with the children. This is a sensitive subject that touches on abduction and trafficking. We have introduced the Article and talked about ways to keep safe and who to talk to if we think somebody is in danger. I have added two slides that you can discuss with your child at an appropriate level. There are no activities this week.
Article of the week
Week beginning 6th March 2023
We hope you enjoy exploring this article with your children.
Article of the week
Week beginning 27th February 2023
We hope you enjoy exploring this article with your children.