Our curriculum is designed around the requirements of the National Curriculum and the needs of our children. Staff from each phase get together to plan and design the long term topic plans to ensure appropriate coverage of the NC objectives. With this in mind, topics and themes are adapted to take into consideration children’s interests and individual needs. Please have a look in our Curriculum Manual to find out more about what we teach and why.

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You can find more detailed information about some of our topics on Twinkl and also on individual class pages.

 Please click on Twinkl Logo to visit Twinkl website.


Phonics: We follow the Letters and Sounds phonics programme

Religious Education: In common with all Catholic schools in Salford Diocese, we follow the Salford Religious Guidelines. Our curriculum is based around the ‘Come and See’ programme and is further supplemented by sessions delivered by Just Youth. Father David visits classes each Tuesday to deliver a range of topics and messages. During Year 3, the children will make their First Confession during Advent and receive First Holy Communion in June.