Home Learning Provision


Here is how St. Anne’s will continue to provide educational opportunities for your child if your child is isolated at home and unable to be with us in school.


After notifying the school that your child will be unable to attend and is isolating please make sure you have all of the necessary log information for your child. If you need to get these please email your child’s class teacher on their class email address, eg if your child is in Year 2 email year2@st-annes-pri.manchester.sch.uk, etc.


Once you have notified school that your child will be isolating you should inform us if you have access to online learning or will require paper copies of work for your child. These resources will be available the following day either online or for collection by a non-isolating member of your community.


Home Learning Provision will vary depending on your child’s age and will be tailored to your child and their ability. Online work will include daily lessons on Literacy, Numeracy and a session focusing on reading skills, where possible there will be a lesson from the unit which the class is focusing on in school.


The format of these lessons will include: 

  • A warm up activity similar to those the pupils follow in class
  • A teaching clip or video from the class teacher or from a trusted source such as BBC Bitesize or The Oak Academy
  • A follow up activity to show their learning
  • An opportunity to feed back their learning to their teacher


It is important for your child’s teacher to know what is being done at home to allow them to ensure that future sessions are planned appropriately. Your child may be asked to:

  • To take a screenshot of end of lesson quizzes with their score, and uploading these to the school’s learning management system (e.g. as an assignment in Google Classroom), or emailing them to class teachers
  • Set their own quizzes on their learning management system, asking about content taught in Oak lessons

The class teacher will also contact you as parents/carers to check how pupils are managing and speaking to the pupil to ask them questions about what they’ve been learning.