Welcome to the Year 4 web page,


Below is an outline of what Year 4 will be covering this half term:

Mathematics –  In the summer term we will be focusing on Decimals, Money, Time and Geometry as well continuing to prepare for our ‘Times Table Check.’

Literacy – We will be writing narrative pieces and poems based on our class novel – ‘Arthur and the Golden Rope.’ We will be focusing on improving our punctuation and grammar skills as set out in the year four curriculum. 

R.E. – Our topic this half term will be ‘Building Bridges’ in which we look at the bonds of friendship and the importance of reconciliation.

Science – In Science, we will firstly be looking at famous scientists and inventors and evaluating their impact on the world. Secondly we  will look at ‘Living Things and Their Habitats,’ 

DT –  We will be making Viking Longboats and Viking Jewelry.

History – We will be learning about The Vikings, their place in history and their effect on the lives we live today.

Music – We will be using Glockenspiels and recorders to play along and compose our own melodies to the Beatles song ‘Blackbird.’ We will look closely at the lyrics and discuss its moral message. 

Computing – We will be using computers to write our own code and programmes and applying the skills we have learned across the year. 

PSHCE – We will be learning about forming happy relationships 

P.E. – Our PE lessons will be held as one long lesson on Tuesday Mornings. We will be looking at traditional African dance and continuing the work that we have begun on Badminton, learning the skills necessary to play a competitive match. Children should wear PE kit on this day 


Children will be given homework every Friday to be completed for the following Thursday. If your child is unable to complete their homework at home, they can complete it in school during lunchtimes.  Their homework will consist of the following each week: a literacy or comprehension exercise, a maths exercise, spellings and their reading book. 

P.E. kits

Children will need their P.E. kits every Tuesday. The children need to come into school wearing their P.E. kits on these days  – a plain white t-shirt and black or blue shorts – so they may wear shorts underneath their tracksuit bottoms on these days. 

The children must also make sure on these days they do not have any jewellery on (e.g. earrings, necklaces, watches) as these must be removed before a P.E. lesson.

Italian MFL


At St. Anne’s children learn Italian, this is because of Ancoats’ history as ‘Little Italy’. 


During the 19th Century, many Italian migrants moved to Manchester and settled in Ancoats. We have established close links with a local historian Anthony Rea who has joined us for talks to help the children to understand the importance of the history of the area, if you wish to find out more follow: https://www.ancoatslittleitaly.com/


Key Stage 2 children all learn Italian from a native Italian speaker, Mrs Lucci, who teaches from the syllabus below:


The children’s learning focuses on spoken Italian learning, in Year 5 the children start to learn to write in Italian which develops into Year 6.


In class we continue to support the pupil’s development of Italian language through vocabulary displays, italian phrase books, dual language books and displays on the corridor.


Thank you 

Mr Mee, Mrs Corcoran and Mrs Mmakogu