Welcome to Year 5! Your class teacher is Miss Ames and the class is supported by Mr Bell. 

Dear Parents/Carers,

Welcome to Year 5! We hope you have all had a fun-filled summer holiday and are looking forward to the forthcoming academic year as much as we are. We wanted to take this opportunity to welcome you back and give you some information about the year ahead.

Your child will be given a reading book to read with you at home this year. Please make sure that their reading diary is signed weekly and that children are reading daily.

Homework will be sent home each Friday and will consist of literacy and maths work to consolidate the learning from that week, to be completed in their homework books. Homework is due in on a Wednesday.

Each half term we will be learning about a different topic. This half term our topic is Ancient Greece. Our Power Projects have gone home and we can’t wait to see what the children create!

We are reading Journey to the River Sea by Eva Ibbotson. We are loving making connections between the different themes and characters from other books we have read.

In maths we will be working on statistics.

In science, we are learning about forces. We have recently conducted an experiment to record gravity vs air resistance.

In RE our big question will be, ‘What is transformation?” We are thinking about this in the lead up to Pentecost.

Some of our PE lessons will take place outside this term and we would appreciate it if you could bring your child into school wearing their kit on their PE days. PE kit consists of black shorts, white t-shirt and trainers. PE days are Tuesday and Friday. After Whit holidays, we will have American football on a Thursday instead of our Friday slot.

Please ensure that your contact details and medical forms are up to date with the office and that we have signed permission slips for your child to be featured on our website and/or twitter.

If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to speak to a member of staff who will be happy to make an appointment.

Thank you for your continued support.

Miss Ames and Mr Bell.


Some recent photos: 

We celebrated Caritas Day, thinking about the poor and vulnerable in our community.

In science we have been testing gravity and air resistance in an egg parachute drop.

We visited the library to meet author and illustrator Emma Reynolds and design our own comics inspired by nature.

We have been sharing stories of Ramadan and Eid, ready to write our own.

We have been on local geography field trips, looking at rivers in our area.