Equality Statement
St Anne’s Equality Statement
At St Anne’s primary school we are committed to providing an environment which promotes equality and is free from discrimination. We take great pride in celebrating the diversity and individuality of all students, ensuring that they are afforded equal opportunities as outlined in the Equality act of 2010. We endeavour to remove prejudice or bias from the school experience of all of our families. As a Unicef ‘Rights Respecting’ school we vow to uphold the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (which can be accessed below) and help all children to understand and be empowered to exercise their rights in all areas of their lives.
Our curriculum has been designed to ensure that all children, regardless of race, gender, disability or disadvantage, can access a relevant, challenging and inspiring range of learning opportunities in every subject across every year group. It is our hope for our curriculum to highlight and celebrate significant events, places and people that enable children to see themselves represented without being stereotyped. We aim to remove barriers to learning and grant all children opportunities to enjoy a broad curriculum.
We aim to prepare our pupils for a successful life in a growing, diverse society in which tolerance, respect and equality are of paramount importance for children and young people to thrive. We do this in a variety of ways, including:
Our school ethos and value statements
Class and teacher led assemblies
Our PSHE and RSE curriculum lessons
Parent and Carer workshops
School Councillors
RE curriculum and weekly celebration of Mass
School trips and educational visits
Collaborative work with other schools
Participation in School Games and sporting events
Equality Objectives 2023/2024
Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation
Action: To ensure after school clubs are well attended by all pupils, including those with SEN and disabilities.
Success Criteria:
After school clubs will be designed with all pupils in mind and be made accessible to anyone wishing to attend.
All pupils will be given a choice of clubs and have an equal opportunity to attend those which appeal to their interests.
2. Foster Good relationships between people who have a shared characteristic and those who do not.
Action: Raise awareness of the barriers/difficulties faced by children of different races, genders, religions or disability groups so that they may be overcome.
Success Criteria:
Curriculum content will be diverse and representative of the wider world we live in.
World Faiths will be explored to gain a greater understanding of the beliefs and ideals that may be different to own experiences
Staff will receive CPD that will raise their knowledge and understanding of the diverse needs of all pupils
Focus days that enable children of different classes to work together. Increasing the communication and friendships between all pupils.
3. Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a relevant characteristic and people who do not.
Action: Provide a broad range of experiences both in and out of the classroom that will lead to an increase in attainment for all pupil groups.
Success Criteria:
Use of ‘SSPA’ to allow all children the opportunity to participate and compete in a wide range of sports activities
Carefully planned school trips/visits to increase the cultural capital of all pupils
Revisit the provision of books in each classroom/school library to ensure that they are reflective of the backgrounds of our student body.
Use of interventions and scaffolded teaching for children with EAL to ensure they have the best opportunity to access the whole curriculum
Objectives to be reviewed September 2024
Equality Policy
For further information on how St Anne’s is committed to ensuring we meet the terms outlined in the 2010 equality act, please see our Equality Policy below.